textiles inspired by the regenerative quality of nature in contrast to the polluted cityscape of Hong Kong; applied to WGSN flats
blocks designed for JOYN Holiday 2019 collection
block print textile for JOYN Holiday 2019
weaves based on sequences derived from multivariate polynomials; woven on floor loom
repeating pattern inspired by my favorite local coffee shop: Puritan; gouache and ink
stencil-cutting process
repeating pattern inspired by a passerby with an ice cream cone
New Media Art piece exploring the materiality of the green screen
jeans embroidered with the faces of inspiring women: friends, mothers, coaches, and more
crocheted bra top made of recycled plastic bags
an exploration of weaving materials on floor loom, e.g. yarn, rafia, rope, wool, plastic bag
spray-painted pattern
quilt made of retired jeans from artist’s father’s and grandfather’s closets
exploration of color interaction + rose path set-up on floor loom
converse + hand-drawn pattern